Tech, Code, Geek, Living with cancer

Low white blood cell count


Well, this is a first.

I had 2 rounds of chemo ( 6 sessions for each round ) before and every time when I went back for blood work before the Chemo, everything were fine... until now.

My 3rd round of chemo is sightly different than my previous one. All my previous round require me to have single injection every 21 days ( 3 weeks ). But this round of Chemo require me to have 2 injection in the same 21 days period: day 1 and day 8. Today is day 8 for my second injection. But my white blood cell count is too low so I cannot have Chemo. They will try to reduce my dosage next time ( 31st March ) and see if there are any improvement.

In another news, my FoundationOne blood test did not discover any useful Biomarker for target therapy. So I will continue Chemo for the foreseeable future.

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