Tech, Code, Geek, Living with cancer



GemCarbo is the drug combo I am currently using for my chemo.

  • Gem – Gemcitabine
  • Carbo – Carboplatin

I had Carboplatin before and kind of know what to expected, but Gemcitabine took me a little bit off guard. I had some low grade fever today (38.1), nausea, tired, headache... etc. Generally just feel pretty shitty for the whole day. It was not until close to end of day I start to feel normal again. This is only my first session.. and I have 5 more to go (well, 5.5 because next Wednesday I will have Gemcitabine only, then will need to wait for 2 weeks before I go back to Carboplatin+Gemcitabine)

This will be tough few months go through.

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